You'll need to be an existing Council Tax payer, Business Rates payer, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support claimant, or landlord to use this service.
My Tax and Benefits makes it easy to manage your bills and benefits online.
You cannot use this service to tell us you have moved in or out of a property
To use this service, you'll need to have one of the following references ready:
You'll also need to have ready:
If you have a benefit claim and a Council Tax account, you only need to register once. Select one option below, and you will be able to view your accounts and claims.
If you are the partner on a benefit claim, you cannot sign up to check the claim
Which reference do you have?
If you are a benefit landlord, enter your payee reference into the reference field below. You can find your payee reference on any payment schedule or notification document (for example, 'BZ999' or '123456').
On bank statements, your payee reference will be prefixed with an 'A' or an 'L' (for example, 'ABZ999' or 'L123456'). Do not use the prefix on this form.
First name
Last name
The Council need to authenticate your details so requires the following information.
Providing this information will speed up the time taken to register you for your online account which will mean you can transact online with the council more quickly
Previous account number
Enter previous postcode
Enter council tax postcode
Enter non domestic rates postcode
Explanatory Text
Enter tenanted property postcode